Art That Builds Movements

Join us in January to view, learn about, and create art that fuels movements.

flyer for an art show and workshops that showcase art used to fuel social movements

January 9th: A History of Political Poster-Making
Zoom (moved to all zoom due to weather!) – 7:30pm
Join Interference Archive volunteer Declan Sokolska (they/them) as we explore poster-making throughout the 20th and 21st centuries using material from the archive. Miriam will overview a basic history of political poster-making and the different techniques that can be used to make posters today. This lecture will support an in-person workshop at Flemington DIY on February 1st where participants will be able to make their own posters inspired by materials from the archive. Interference Archive is a Brooklyn-based and volunteer-run community archive that aims to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements. Donations appreciated $5-10.

January 21st: What’s a Zine + How To Make One
At Flemington DIY 4-6pm
Join the Flemington QTs for an overview of zines and how to create your own. Donations appreciated $5-10.